Labels:text | diagram | line | font | plot | number | parallel OCR: Table A Table B 20 120- dnpseds 100- speedup 15 10 4 execution time (seconds? execution time (seconds) 2 ITT 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 number of nodes number of nodes scan execution time .. scan and return execution time speedup for scan **= = speedup for scan and retum Source: IBM FIGURE 1 This figure shows the parallelism benefits of DB2 PE. In Table A, the number of rows is 1,000,000, the row size is 100, and the total size is 100MB. In Table B, the number of rows is 1,000,000, the row size is 1000, and the total size is 1GB.